Mr. Bell’s Weekly Newsletter for February 18

Up Coming Dates:
2/18: No School – Presidents Day
2/19: Final Conference Night 4-7pm
2/28: Chili Family Night 
This Week:
ELA: We will continue our unit on Middle Eastern Empires of the Middle Ages
Vocabulary test on Friday, 2/21.
Science: Students will continue their unit on Geology.
It Takes a Village:
FINAL NIGHTY OF CONFERENCES: Tuesday is night is our final conference night. Please check the schedule on Bloomz or the attached document.  PLEASE SIGN UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I want to meet with everyone! See attached current schedule. If you are unable to attend, we can schedule a phone or email conference. 
WGVU Visit: We had a great visit with WGVU on Wednesday. The production crew filmed our science lesson and shared donuts with the students. The visit was because I was nominated for the WGVU Cool Teacher program thanks to the King Family! I will let you know when the video is available from WGVU. 
Homework: Just a reminder that homework is always sent home on the first day of school week and is due the last day of the school week. Currently the only hard copy I am sending home is spelling, students are encouraged to read 20 minutes each night and study their vocabulary cards. Homework is always posted on my classroom website by Sunday at 5:00pm for the up coming week.
Needed Items: We are currently in need of glue sticks, Kleenex and disinfecting wipes.

Snow Day Learning Activities

Another Snow Day so here are some activities can do at home today!


20 Minutes of Reading

Practice vocabulary cards


Practice Vocabulary Terms on Quizlet – Vocabulary Terms


Post on Kidsblog or write by hand  – Choose one of the following topics:

1. Imagine you opened your own restaurant. Tell the name if your restaurant. Explain what the restaurant looks like, who works there and what you serve.
2. Describe your favorite season (fall, spring, summer or winter). Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season.
3. If you could have lunch with any famous person who would it be? What would you talk about this with person? What would you eat?
3. Which superpower would you most like to have – invisibility, super strength or the ability to fly? Describe what kinds of things you would do with your powers.

Mr. Bell’s Weekly Newsletter for 2/11

Up Coming Dates:
2/11-2/14: NWEA Testing
2/11-2/14: Conferences
2/13: WGVU Donuts and Filming!
2/15: No School
This Week:
No homework: We will not have spelling homework or a new spelling list this week due to the short week and NWEA testing. We will take our spelling test from last week on Monday, 2/11.
ELA: We will being our next unit, Middle Eastern Empires of the Middle Ages
Science: Students will continue their unit on Geology.
It Takes a Village:
Conferences Rescheduled: Parent/Teacher/Students have been rescheduled for the week of February 11. For our winter conference all students are required to attend the conference with a parent or guardian. We will be discussing student progress so far this year and will be setting goals for the up coming NWEA test in February. You can sign up for a conference time on Bloomz or by emailing me with a preferred time. I will be holding conferences before and after school most days beginning February 11-14.  PLEASE SIGN UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I want to meet with everyone! See attached current schedule. 
WGVU Visit Wednesday, 2/13: Local PBS, WGVU will be visiting our class on Wednesday, February 13 at 9:00am to film and will also be providing donuts and juice for our class! To be on camera students will need to have the wavier form signed that was sent home last week. I have also attached a copy this email. If you have any questions please let me know! 
Valentines Day List: On Thursday I will allow students time to exchange Valentine Day Cards with classmates. I ask the if your student wishes give our cards, that they bring enough for everyone. We have 26 students in our classroom. We will exchange cards at the end of the day. I have attached a list of names. Please note, we have a new student starting tomorrow. 
Homework: Just a reminder that homework is always sent home on the first day of school week and is due the last day of the school week. Currently the only hard copy I am sending home is spelling, students are encouraged to read 20 minutes each night and study their vocabulary cards. Homework is always posted on my classroom website by Sunday at 5:00pm for the up coming week.
Needed Items: We are currently in need of glue sticks, Kleenex and disinfecting wipes.